British thermal units to Kilowatt-hours (Convert Btu to Kilowatt hour)

Enter a value below and we will automatically convert it to Kilowatt-hours

British thermal units to Kilowatt-hours Formula

British thermal units to Kilowatt-hours Conversion Table

British thermal units Kilowatt-hours
1 0.0002931
2 0.0005861
3 0.0008792
4 0.0011723
5 0.0014654
6 0.0017584
7 0.0020515
8 0.0023446
9 0.0026376
10 0.0029307
11 0.0032238
12 0.0035169
13 0.0038099
14 0.004103
15 0.0043961
16 0.0046891
17 0.0049822
18 0.0052753
19 0.0055684
20 0.0058614

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