Ounces to Grams (Convert oz to Grams)

Enter a value below and we will automatically convert it to Grams

Ounces to Grams Formula

Ounces to Grams Conversion Table

Ounces Grams
1 28.3495231
2 56.6990463
3 85.0485694
4 113.3980925
5 141.7476156
6 170.0971388
7 198.4466619
8 226.796185
9 255.1457081
10 283.4952313
11 311.8447544
12 340.1942775
13 368.5438006
14 396.8933238
15 425.2428469
16 453.59237
17 481.9418931
18 510.2914163
19 538.6409394
20 566.9904625

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