British thermal units to Kilojoules (Convert Btu to Kilojoules)

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British thermal units to Kilojoules Formula

British thermal units to Kilojoules Conversion Table

British thermal units Kilojoules
1 1.0550559
2 2.1101117
3 3.1651676
4 4.2202234
5 5.2752793
6 6.3303351
7 7.385391
8 8.4404468
9 9.4955027
10 10.5505585
11 11.6056144
12 12.6606702
13 13.7157261
14 14.7707819
15 15.8258378
16 16.8808936
17 17.9359495
18 18.9910053
19 20.0460612
20 21.1011171

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